69 Spine Street, Sumner
Mon-Fri 6.30am - 5pm
Saturday 7am - 12pm
3715 9700

Centenary Hire

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Do I Really Need To Buy That?

[dropcap]Y[/dropcap]ou went to the hardware store and got excited. You got that rush of, “yeah… I can do that, in fact I should do that!” This leads to the purchase of an expensive chainsaw that’s perfect for your backyard makeover project. But perhaps equipment hire is a better option.

Why Equipment Hire May Be A Better Choice Over Purchasing

Fast forward a short period of time and the trees you were so keen to trim back are half done because the chainsaw was a little under powered, the chain didn’t stay sharp very long and the files for sharpening the chain aren’t as easy to use as you had thought. 

So with half trimmed trees and not having the heart to say you’ve fully given up, the chainsaw sits on the shelf in the garage or shed until you eventually toss it in a dump run or try to sell it on line.

It happens, we get it. There is another way. Here are several benefits of hiring equipment rather than purchasing it right away.

Get Rid of the Maintenance

If you are not ready to commit to maintaining your equipment in between each use, hiring it instead takes away the headache as all of the maintenance is taken care of and the equipment is on the shelf ready to be used.  

So, when considering a new equipment purchase, be sure to understand what ongoing maintenance is required, the frequency of maintenance intervals, the time is takes to perform the maintenance and what skill level is required to do it successfully. 

Petrol powered machines such as concrete saws and chainsaws, require a competent approach to maintenance and skimping on proper maintenance or doing a dodgy job can lead to serious hazards. 

Petrol engines for example, can be tricky to tune so that they run and idle properly and if you get the fuel to oil ratio wrong, you can cause irreparable damage   Drive belt and chain tension are other maintenance items which, if not done properly, will cause significant problems. 

Finally, the best part about hiring where maintenance is concerned, is that if the equipment does ‘play up’ during the hire, you get to call the hire company and they will remedy the problem for you.

Try Before You Buy

When there is the option, why not ‘test drive’ equipment before committing to purchase. 

For example, rather than spending over $1000.00 on a new concrete saw that you think will be suitable for multiple projects, consider hiring one first for a fraction of the cost to see if it is the right fit for your needs. Then you can purchase one with increased confidence that it will not be money wasted. 

Hiring equipment as a first step to purchasing is a great way to make sure you are investing in something you will actually make good use of. 

It Won’t Fit

Some equipment will be affordable to purchase simply based on the amount that you may intend to use it in the coming months or even years.  However if the equipment is large in size or particularly heavy, you’ll need to be conscious of what space you actually have for storing it and how you intend to transport it.  Aluminium trestles are a good example of equipment with a reasonable purchase price, but are awkward to transport and difficult to store out of the way. 

These considerations need to be weighed up against the convenience of having the equipment delivered and collected directly and safely to and from site with a simple phone call or email request. Also you won’t have the hassle of storing it at home in between jobs. 

You’re Wasting Money If You Don’t Use Your Tools

When we make the choice to purchase expensive equipment, often we are investing in multiple projects, long term or high value projects. 

For example owning your own cherry picker can certainly be cost-effective if you use it regularly for several years. But if in the end you only use it a couple of times, you are not only stuck with a large piece of equipment, you have also paid significantly more per use than you would have if had you hired it. 

Hire Means the Best of the Best Equipment

A decision often faced when purchasing equipment is the trade-off between quality and cost. You may want and perhaps would benefit more from the highest spec equipment but are simply are unable to economically justify that choice. 

When you hire equipment instead of purchasing it, you’ll find that a hire company will have top quality equipment brands that are commercial grade every time.  The helps you by ensuring that you are in fact using the best equipment for the job, even if you are just using it for a backyard project. Impact drills from a hire company are a great example of where the performance of quality, high spec drill is far superior to cheaper version. 

Brands You Can Trust

Similarly, when it comes to equipment quality and useful life estimates, using trusted brands such as Makita, Stihl and Milwaukee does matter and hire companies have done this research for you. 

It is in their best interest to keep equipment which is the best of the best, the most robust and the most user friendly as these considerations will give them the best returns and highest customer satisfaction.

Great Advice From the Experts

If you’re new to tackling DIY projects or do not know all of the ins and outs of working with a particular piece of equipment, often just reading blogs or owner manuals are not sufficient. 

Getting your equipment from a hire company means you can describe your specific task or project and ask what equipment is available for hire which may be suitable.  Sometimes there will be a piece of equipment just right for the job which you didn’t even know existed.  

Other times, based on the experience of the people at the hire company, you may also be made aware of how to use equipment which is designed for another purpose in your particular circumstance. 

If nothing else, a hire company is a great place to ask questions and get advice on what equipment may be suitable for your project. 

There are many benefits to hiring construction, trades and DIY equipment – either as a precursor to or as an alternative to purchasing. There is an extensive range of equipment, large and small, are available for hire in Brisbane. When you are starting a project, consider how often you will use your equipment, whether you have enough space, and what quality you can get if you hire vs. buy. 

Need to hire tools and equipment for the job? You’ve come to the right place. Check out our online equipment catalogue, call 07 3715 9700 or send an enquiry from our online form.

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Centenary Hire is a Tradesmen & Weekend Warrior’s best friend. Our ever increasing range of hire equipment consists of modern tools, machinery, scaffold, access equipment and site services all of which are aimed at helping you get the job done right – the first time. Our friendly staff can help you to choose the right equipment for your project or you can view & book your equipment online now at www.CentenaryHire.com.au. Drop into our store at Sumner Park or request an equipment delivery as our efficient transport service extends well beyond the limits of Brisbane on a daily basis.

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